Working with sounds in tours.

Q&A about the latest versions
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Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:40 pm

In a tour I am building, I would like to include some of the new sound features.

The tour is of a rafting resort , and has the river rushing past one side. The idea would be that regardless of the node if the user "looked" in the direction of the river, they would hear the roar of water a little louder.. Some nodes would be much loader if they where closer...

I can do this now it seems to me, but the problem is I have to embed the same audio file in 18 different nodes for this to work.. Not an ideal option for a web based tour...

It would be great if we could just add sounds into the skin, give it an ID, and then use that ID as the sound file source in each panorama...

Any how, thanks! This is going to be very cool!!
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