Variables that work for both HTML5 & Flash?

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Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:08 pm

Is there a good, not overly complicated way to create simple 'variable states' that can work for both HTML5 and Flash versions of a Pano2vr tour?

For example, a tour of a house with a list of different things like lights, sounds, animations, image overlays, or other 'states' (active or inactive hotspots?) that can be turned on or off when the user clicks a particular hotspot or hotspots.

I'm not sure how else to do this other than have a completely different set of panos for every possible combination of states, and that is an extremely inefficient way to handle things.

I'm hoping there's some nifty scripting method that will work better. :)
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I think Integrated variables in the platform would be a very neat addition!
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Most of the actions like show/hide, set element Alpha work with both output formats.
What actions do you have problems with?
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Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:08 pm

Okay, so this IS possible in the current version of P2VR.

I would appreciate a little bit of explanation regarding how to implement it, however.

I'm a bit confused by the new skin editor and the documentation for it only scratches the surface of what can be done with it, I think.

What I'm looking for, specifically, is a bit of explanation for how to use these actions:

-a hotspot being set to 'active' or inactive based on a current state.
-an overlay image being visible or invisible.

The basic logic would require an 'on' and 'off' button in a scene. If you can explain how to make this work... then I can probably extend that information far enough to figure out the rest of the variations of it.

IF it's in state OFF and hotspot ON is clicked,
-hotspot ON becomes inactive, hotspot OFF becomes active, overlay 'light' is made visible.
IF in state ON, and hotspot OFF is clicked,
-hotspot OFF becomes active, hotspot ON becomes inactive, overlay 'light' is made invisible.

Yes, this is essentially very simple scripting within the constraints of P2VR's actions system - and that's exactly the point. I'm hoping to construct a bit of rudimentary, easy 'adventure game' puzzle design within P2VR, using the P2VR actions.

If I can make that work, I will use it in my project ( ) - if it can't be done, though, I will either find another, much less efficient method like the one described in the initial post, or excise the simple puzzles entirely.
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