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Embedding in wordpress

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:15 pm
by sportsnapper
I've recently embedded a number of panos in a Wordpress website, with varying sucess. Searching these forums didn't really provide an answer, but as I've now solved the problem I thought I'd let others know how it can be done. It allows the panos to be displayed easily, but still preserving flexibility in creating the skin/swf files for use in multiple locations if required.

I create all my files in a single directory, sometimes using sub directories for other resources. So when you call next panorama, it simply refers to the swf file e.g

Embedding in Wordpress I use Kimili, a De Facto standard in Wordpress. It's very versatile. However, you have to set the parameters correctly otherwise the linked swf won't be found. You MUST add the basepath parameter in the Kimili plugin.

Example Wordpress HTML code below You don't have to put the full url, just something like /mypanodirectory/mypano/

Code: Select all

[kml_flashembed publishmethod="dynamic" fversion="9.0.0" movie="/panovr/One.swf" width="800" height="400" targetclass="flashmovie" base="/panovr/"]
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a>
Hope this helps to clarify how you can embed panos in wordpress, without having to hardcode complete URL's into the skin.



Re: Embedding in wordpress

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:02 am
by Sebastian
This is if you were to take your car, putting on a flatbed truck, and drive the truck, rather than the actual car.

The embed and object tags are very much standard. There are no other ways to embed active content within HTML document. You can use regular tags or much more elaborate like SWFOBJECT, which is the most popular among Flash professionals, and by now, highly recommended, google approved standard.

All the 3rd party solutions are nothing but a proxy, which in the end, still use the standard embed object tags to play flash within browser. Hence the "putting your car on a flatbed truck" concept.

Thanks for sharing tho, I'm sure many will appreciate you are taking the time to post that :)



Re: Embedding in wordpress

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:50 pm
by sportsnapper
Kilimi uses swfobject under the covers. For me, It's a nice solution as it integrates into the WP visual editor, rather than having to remember the SWFObject syntax etc. I use a similar WP plugin for SlideShowPro for the same reasons - and that works with HTML5 to degrade gracefully. I need to modify the Kilimi inserted code to account for HTML5 devices, rather than the standard 'get flash' code.

I read a post somewhere recently along the lines of 'I'm a photographer, I really want to be hidden from all this HTML stuff' and just show people my pictures. I must agree to an extent - I spent 25 years in IT before becoming a pro photographer, and sometimes I want to have the detail hidden from me and just publish something!

As I said, having searched the forums here there wasn't a clear solution for this. As more people are using WP as a CMS rather than just a Blog this is likely to come up again. It didn't take me long to find it and hopefully it will help someone. I'm somewhat annoyed with myself, as I have come across basepath in the past and should have remembered that I needed to specify it. :wink: