Open flat image tour in new window

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Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:41 pm

I have been playing with Pano2VR for several months now and im getting quite reasonable at it, well, I can get it to do most of what I want it to do :D
but I am totally unable to have a flat image linked to an area hotspot open in a seperate new window !
I understand that the TARGET field in the hotspot interface window is the correct place to tell the package how to do this but I must be doing something wrong :?
I have tried _blank and _self and even _new but to no avail
PLEASE PLEASE there has to be a very simple explanation to my inability to get this working

Thanks for your anticipated help on this


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If you are using this locally you may need to set local/network security as the flash player will only let you access one or the other, not both.
You can go to the Adobe website and set a folder or a hard drive to allow both, please see here: ... y_Settings

All this said, I assume that you are pointing to an html page ? if so then the above may be causing your problem, however if you are pointing to a SWF then the target becomes the Pan, Tilt and Field of View if using the Go To Url action. This means you do need to embed the SWF in an html page first. You can open a popup in a chromeless window, the instructions can be found here: ... p_Template

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Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:41 pm

Thankyou for that - I have finally got this bit working after weeks of banging my head on the preverbial brick wall


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