Flash Only Scrolling Thumbnail Menu

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Designed to be just copied and pasted in your own projects, open the skin and highlight and copy the element “horizontal_menu”, then open your own skin and click Edit, Paste.
The skin is looking for a folder called “thumbnails” and looks in to this for the thumbnail images.

The thumbnails are 80 x 50px, I am using the file names thumbnail_01 etc, just make sure you use the same file name or change the file path in the skin elements “t1” to “t10”
In the elements “t1” to “t10” there is an action to open the next panorama, however the Url is blank and you will need to enter in your file name and P/T/FoV if using it.

If you want a transition when using the thumbnail menu please see this tip:
http://gardengnomesoftware.com/wiki/Map ... ve_to_View

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Toni Hz
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Help needed
I created a little tour about Munich.
Everything works, but I want something else:

I want to show a little info if "mouse over" the thumbnail.
If the mouse leaves, also info disappears.
>> next picture, next info

is the correct way with container or textwindow, or what else?
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thanks for help,

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Looking at the skin I see you have added the actions to Show and Hide the text box Text 26 to the skin element t1.
Good, what you also need is a Mouse Enter Set Text action to set the text to the text box.

This way you can use the same text box for all the thumbnails, setting the correct text as your mouse enters the thumbnail.
What you can also do is use Modifiers to get the text box to move with the mouse.

Text 26, set the modifiers to Target Value: Move X => Source Value: Mouse X => Factor: 1.000 => Offset: 0.0
Now position Text 26 in the skin: X: -50 Y: 800
Anchor the text box bottom left.

If the text box has visible unselected, what will happen is as the mouse enters the thumbnail it will show and display the correct text.
As it leaves the thumbnail it will hide and when enters the next thumbnail it will show agin, but this time with the new text set by the set text action.

You will probably see the text box jump around a bit, so to a void this rather than use Show and Hide actions, set the text box to visible and set it's Alpha to 0.
Then use change Element Alpha to 1 to show it and 0 to hide it.

Lots of tips here to keep you busy over the weekend.
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Toni Hz
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Hello Hopki,
Now I´ve done it as well.
After putting the textboxes in a container, the position was all right.
But now, the text appears immediately, when the panorama is loaded.
After the first mouse over the thumbnails,
all textboxes dissappears, after the second mouse over,
it works as wished.
There must be something wrong, but I can´t find out.
By the way: I´m using a german version of 3.1.4 - 64bit,
theres no way to enter element alpha 1 or 0.

Toni from Austria
Last edited by Toni Hz on Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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In the text box settings you can select visibility and Alpha.
Depending which actions you use , Hide/Show or Alpha, unselect visible or set Alpha to 0 so it is not showing when the project first opens.
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Toni Hz
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Hello Hopki,

Now it works, as I want.
I clicked off visibility (sichtbar), now it works.
If Alpha is Deckkraft (0,0 - 1,0), then I understand.

Thanks for helping,

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