MK PanoMachine & xml file

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Posts: 18
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:46 am

Happy Easter!

We have designed a new control software for our MK PanoMachine Roundabout-NP and equipped with outstanding programs:

- MATRIX to create gigapixel panoramas with focal lengths up to 400mm
- SPHERE for the creation of spheres with fisheye and wide-angle lenses
- BOKEHRAMA, a different kind of panorama with little depth of field
- TIMELAPSE to create time-lapse movies
- PANORAMA for single-row panoramas and object movies via our optional turntable kit

The MK PanoMachine calculates - after the settings of camera type, focal length, overlap and the desired field of view - the required rows and number of images per row and shoots the panorama fully automatically.

And if you want to shoot a sphere the MK PanoMachine optimizes the required number of images per row, so that reduces the number of shots from the middle to the zenit / nadir.

And if you have problems to stitch the blue sky or a white wall, we help you with our optional xml file generator* - the resulting file is loaded into the stiching software, such as AutoPano Giga. The xml file increases speed and quality of stitching and solves your problem.

* A xml file contains the exact position of every single shot and the sequence of shots.

Our MK PanoMachine hardware offers unique opportunities:

Both drives are equipped with a Concept One quick coupling with both sides clamp movement for exact centering of the mounted L-bracket and upper camera rail, made by Cullmann Germany. This allows the adaptation of other Arca Swiss compatible systems to the MK drives like Novoflex, Berlebach, RRS and Nodal Ninja Ultimate M Series.

Our new stable L-bracket plus upper camera rail (with Manfrotto MA 323 quick release or alternatively Roundabout-AS quick release) of black coated aluminium allows the use of heavy cameras and long lenses, produced by Roundabout-NP in Germany.

Have fun

XML file generator.jpg
XML file generator.jpg (3.51 KiB) Viewed 11473 times
MK PanoMachine.jpg
MK PanoMachine.jpg (58.16 KiB) Viewed 11473 times
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