Tour Progress Bar

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Here is a neat little tour progress bar/meter that works in both Flash and HTML5.
This gives the end user a visual indication of how many nodes there are and if they have visited them all.

The bar starts off white for unvisited nodes with the active node being yellow. After you have visited a node it turns green. You can use the bar to navigate or the point hotspots.

Download the required project for your version, Pano2VR or Pano2VR Pro.
Unzip and open all p2vr files and click Create All.
Pano2VR, open the first project file pano_01.p2vr as this has the skin.

Both projects use the node marker element.
Pano2VR uses tag’s while Pano2VR Pro uses the node name selected from the node markers drop down combo box.
Of course you can use your own graphics or just change the rectangles used in this project to customise the look.

For Pano2VR Pro
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Thank you Martin....for you hard work developing this effort.
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Hi Hopki,

Thank you for posting your Progress Bar. I tried to use it in my project on Pano2VR 5 Beta 2 without success. Maybe I applied it incorrectly; I simply copied the content of the Skin and pasted them into my project. Maybe you might have better luck.
At any rate, take a look at this Pano that I found:

I am trying to get a project off-the-ground for a Reasl Estate agent and need some ideas on getting a similar skin implemented.
Would you happen to know how this one was done for a Real Estate project? Also, I think it could be improved if the Visited Nodes were marked so the User would know which one they have visited already.

Please let me know ...

Thank you for your guidance and support,

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Hi Johnny,
The component tool box has an component called ht_node. This has a visited check mark.
If you look at this, well its rectangle parent you will see the logic block for it.
Have a play and see how far you get.
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Hi Hopki,

I looked at the ht_node, but did not get it to work the way that I like; however, I did understand how it was working and was hoping that I could use the concept to get the visited nodes to work for me.
I was able to turn-off the Hotspots when I visit the node. It would be nicer if I could change the hotspot image when I have visited the node. Just as a backup, I am using the Map to navigate the nodes as well, but, they do not chage in state either way.

Please let me know your thoughts...
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