Version 3.0 Reference Error

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Steve Schultz
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I just installed version 3.0. Big issue - what is Reference Error 1065? I get that error concerning 20 different issues. I cannot output even the simplest of panos, I just get a white swf with a list of errors. Even when importing a previous project and trying to export another swf I get the same list of errors. I cannot even get Hopki's sample project file too open. I was no genius with the previous version but I could at least output files with no problem.

I am also experiencing this notice -
when trying to output previously saved projects.
I never had to deal with that before.

Also on a lesser note, I've noticed that on some of the newer samples I've looked at the cursor does not turn into a pointed finger when
rolling over hotspots - it just disappears. Is that the way it works from now on?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me salvage at least part of my weekend.
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I would uninstall, reboot the computer and reinstall after downloading a fresh installation file (.exe)
Sometimes it is best to disable your Anti-Virus software during installation and re-activate after install is complete.

When installing be sure to install all options at the installation check box.

The error message you have shown is because the .swf is trying to contact the Internet to download (in this case) an item hosted by (an image no doubt).
But this will happen when you are trying to run a .swf locally that wants to call on something that isn't local on your own computer but on the Internet.

You can make "security" adjustments to your Flash Player. See this little tutorial

There are some changes with how hotspots are implemented over previous versions to correct known issues. Be sure to check the hand cursor box as required.
Refer to the video tutorials as needed, some have been updated from what you may have initially learned.

Regards, Smooth 8)
Steve Schultz
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Thanks again Smooth for the reply. Unfortunatly for this I am on a Mac and the installation is just a simple drag and drop
(panoVR icon dragged to applications folder icon) and there is no installation check box for options.

Thank you for the link to the flash security tutorial, I'll take a look at that.

Also can you tell me where the hand cursor box is located ? I have not noticed such a box on my earlier version.

I'm not much for the inner workings of computer systems, in general do you have any idea why my earlier version installed just fine without having to deal with the issues I'm having now ?

Anyway I appreciate your efforts, I see your name addressing many people's questions.

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Sorry I don't do MAC. Hopki might help with that?
What I can tell you though is that there are two different downloads for MAC, Carbon and Cocoa (see the download page).

You find the hand cursor option (check box) in the Element Properties and Settings of the skin component.
hand_cursor.jpg (53.71 KiB) Viewed 8407 times
Regards, Smooth 8)
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Hi Steve
Can you post screen print/shots of the flash player window when you try ti open the swf?
Also just as a precaution is your flash stand alone flash play up to date?
Is a swf file created, and can you just drag this into a web browser?
Can you upload a swf file please so we can also have a look at that also.

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Steve Schultz
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Hi Smooth, I am on Mac OSX 10.5.8 so I downloaded the Cocoa version. I saw your location for the hand cursor, thanks. I guess I just checked that in my previous version and never had to change it again so I didn't notice it. I have to do other work today so I am not able to do the flash security adjustments yet but I will post my findings and yep, you're right, Hopki has chimed in. Thanks, Steve.
Steve Schultz
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Hello Hopki, thanks for your response. At this point I am just trying to do the most simple of functions. I can import my file or your file and it will show up as html in browser upon output. But if I unclick "Enable .html" to get an .swf I get a blank window. Using the older version I could generate an .swf to insert into an html page., now I can not get a workable .swf. I can not put a skin on a file and have it show , it just generates a white window.
I am sure you are very busy - I will try to figure this out my self.
Thanks and Regards, Steve
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It sounds like you need to update your Flash Standalone Player (not the browser Flash player) although you should keep all of these 100% up to date.
See this page and download and place the latest version (10.2) in your system as required.
Make sure you adjust the opening properties of .swf files to open with this current 10.2 version.

Regards, Smooth 8)
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Open the Flash Output and in the settings tab, the Output path at the bottom, does it end with .swf?
I say this because if you have a, Full Stop "." in the file name of the impute image then this will cause the output file name not to format correctly.
Input image file name:
The Output file name will be: park.new_out

This still opens with the html page, but of course it has no recognisable file extenuation so can not be opened anywhere else, except my Mac opens it with Adobe Flash.
The above is assuming that "_out" is being used in the settings.

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Steve Schultz
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Smooth - did the download from your link, thanks.
Then you said "Make sure you adjust the opening properties of .swf files to open with this current 10.2 version."
Can you tell me where I adjust the opening properties of .swf files? I looked through all the flash output settings
for pano2vr but could not see where I would make adjustments.
Steve Schultz
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Hello Hopki, sorry if I'm sounding a little frustrated but I'm really stuck. Here is what the flash output window looks like when I'm ready to output the .swf with the enable html box unchecked.
I click OK and of course the little window says - Create the output file "main-street_out.swf" now? Click yes and this is what I get -
The exact thing I've done dozens of times with the previous version but now I am at a loss.
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I'm getting similar/the same errors.
Everything seems to be ok if you generate an html file with the swf in it, but if you open the file standalone with flash or flash player I get the same reference errors, and a blank swf file.
I'm running on a mac using 10.6.7 too, though my standalone player is flash 9 and my flash is cs3.
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As requested before in this post can some one send / post a swf?
Please also update your standalone flash player 10.2, Link:
Download the Macintosh Flash Player 10.2 Projector (ZIP, 4.75MB)

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Sorry, didn't see that request.
Updated flash player - still get errors.
Small swf attached....
(81.37 KiB) Downloaded 5776 times
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I am also running a MAC, same OS etc, I don't see it, I have communicated this to thomas.
In the mean time, just to confirm.
You make a single pano, no skin, no user data, nothing, just drop the image in a p2vr file
Select flash, use the Optimal cube face size and then click ok, then yes to save and create.
The flash window opens and you also get the window not to it with the errors.
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